Thursday, July 1, 2010

Gulf Shores Day 1: Rain

Mom, Morgan, and I arrived in Gulf Shores right around 2 am Wednesday morning. It was a long drive, but we managed to stay awake and entertain ourselves. The stop at Chick-Fil-A was also a plus!

We woke up Wednesday morning to a somewhat cloudy sky, but good beach weather nontheless. The "kids" (Katherine, Micah, Morgan and I) were preparing for the trip down to the ocean: putting on our bathing suits, lathering on the sunscreen, and filling the cooler with water and DC (diet coke). We got our beach chairs, walked out the door of the condo, and before we took 5 steps, the bottom fell out. (For those of you who have never heard the term "bottom fell out," it started to rain.) And never We were definitely bummed but tried to make the most of it. As mom said, "Would you rather be sitting on the beach watching it rain or sitting in Fulton watching it rain?"
Morgan eating and Micah laying on the couch. I guess no matter where you are, some things never change.

At around 3:00 or so we were all sitting on the balcony of the condo eating lunch and enjoying the rainy afternoon as much as possible. All of a sudden a huge swarm of seagulls began flying right up to the balcony. They just continued to fly back and forth in front of us. I don't know whose idea it was originally, probably my Mom's, but we started feeding the seagulls Wheat Thins. They would come right up to our balcony and eat them out of our hands. They would catch and eat them if we threw them into the air. It was pretty crazy.
Mom placed some Wheat Thins on the rail of the balcony. You can see one in this bird's mouth.

Around 4:30 we decided to go down to the beach even though it was still raining. I think Morgan was just too anxious and excited about getting in the water, especially because the last time he came to the beach was in 2002, when he was 7. He jumped right in! The waves were big and the water was rough and good for playing. Of course it's no surprise that Mom got out there and eventually Morg had to rescue her because she couldn't stay on her feet. (It's always the times you don't have a camera that you really need one. haha) After our trip to the ocean we made a short stop at the pool then went back upstairs to the condo.
Morg and I before going down to the beach.

We spent the rest of the day just hanging out in the condo. More rain is in the forecast, but hopefully it won't stay too long. We are looking foward to a good remainder of the trip. Morg said it best in his Facebook status update: "Feeding these seagulls and fighting these waves have been awesome. Can't wait for the fireworks and the amusement park."


  1. The bottom fell out...what else could that possibly mean? Good thing you are at the beach now and not when its all covered up on SB! Crazy story to tell you when you return about my last walking adventure without you. Cant wait for you to get back, miss ya!

  2. you should take a trip to the bait shop :) hehehe
