Sunday, August 8, 2010

Fun-filled Weekend

Well it's been yet another fun-filled, exciting weekend in the Tepe household. We had another wedding to attend and Mal came to visit from Lex. Oh, and did I mention we had to take our car to the shop yet again?

Friday morning we took the Mazda to a repair shop to get checked out. Dan hit a large bump in the road on Thursday and it began making a terrible noise. We think it was a problem that was initially caused when the car was hit back in January during a snowy period. Turns out we need rear brakes replaced and a new exhaust = $$$. But thank goodness we had the trusty Celica, and Mal, to get us around in the meantime.

So I dropped Dan off at work and began preparing for our special guest. I picked up the apartment and made some cookies. Have you ever tried crinkle cookies? They ended up tasting really good but they are a PAIN to make! Hands down the messiest baking endeavor I've attempted.
Just into the oven.
I used the recipe from the Better Homes & Gardens Cookbook, except substituted cocoa powder for the melted bar chocolate. Turned out very well.
Again, very tasty cookies but very messy process. Do you have any tips to make it better?

Since Mal wasn't coming until Saturday afternoon, Friday night Dan and I just took it easy. Saturday morning I got up for a qick run, or what I thought would be a quick run. Unbeknownst to me, the first Saturday in August in Old Louisville (our neighborhood) is neighborhood yard sale day. I felt like every 5 seconds I was stopping to check out a piece of furniture or antique set of dishes. And it was such a pleasant morning for walking the sidewalks, so needless to say, I didn't do much running.

Just a few hours later, and after a major cleaning spree, Mal arrived and she and I headed out to get lunch. We ended up going to Whole Foods, which is really a grocery store but you can get prepared food there as well. We perused the aisles for a little bit, just admiring the fresh food items and experiencing the "organic-ness" of it all. We finally settled on our lunch selections: sushi for Mal, salad for me, and fruit to share. We also both got organic teas; I think we agreed that while it was much healthier, it was not near as tasty as Karen's.

After lunch we made quick mall run, then headed back to the apt so Dan and I could get ready for the wedding. One of the girls in my discipleship group through UofL was getting married! This was my 6th wedding this summer, and one that I was "dragging" Dan to also.
Yes, that is Dan wearing a pink tie!
Myself, Abbi, Alisha, Angela, and Tiffany. All of these girls are in my d-group. Don't you love the teal necklaces and pink chucks?

Dan and I left the wedding early (sort of...Dan would disagree) because we left Mal at the apt to just hang out while we were gone. Soon after we returned we got busy on a new adventure: dyeing Mal's hair. Now I am no expert in this area because I've never had color of any kind put into my hair. I guess this is why Micah had her doubts of my abilities to do a sufficient job. However, I was confident. I had colored my cousin Lauren's hair once and my mom's too (wait...I my mom's...). So Mal mixed the color and we got to work.
Right before this I said, "Dan, can you come take a picture of us?" Mal added, "For the blog!" We had to capture this moment of course! And by the way, Mal is sitting on the green milk can that sat in Grandma Cash's house by the phone.

Unfortunately we didn't take an "after" picture, but her hair did turn out well if I do say so myself. We spent the rest of the evening just watching TV and of course Mal and I both ended up falling asleep on the couch.

This morning Mal and I went to eat breakfast at Toast on Market downtown. It's a quaint little restaurant with really good food, especially breakfast food. This must be true; why else would we wait over an hour for a table? The hour went by quickly with coffee and conversation. I had raspberry lemonade, bacon, and a lemon souffle pancake (sooo good). Mal had fruit, a scrambled egg, and a blueberry-pecan pancake.

After breakfast (or was it lunch? We left at 1:00.) we shopped for a little bit at a few of our favorite spots: Marshall's, Dick's Sporting Goods, and TJ Maxx. And no afternoon of shopping and driving around town would be complete without a snack, a snack of the frozen kind. Graeter's never disappoints.

Mal went back to Lex later this afternoon, and Dan and I are presently enjoying a very delicious and healthy dinner of pepperoni pizza. It was a really fun weekend and now we get to enjoy a quiet night at home. Although this is no ordinary Sunday night. Why do you ask? Two words: WHO DEY. The Bengals are on TV and Dan is very excited about watching them. I am excited as well; football season is my favorite and knowing that it starts soon is making me very happy. But one of my faves comes on tonight too, HGTV Design Star.

Having two TVs is nice sometimes. :-)


  1. I'm guessing the "alumumummm" foil made indentions in the cookies so you could sprinkle powder sugar in them?? That's my guess...if I'm wrong well then that's how much I know about cooking.

    And calling Mallory a special guest is a far reach...hahaha. I guess the next time her hair needs to be dyed we'll both have to come to the Ville...except with me there will be funnier jokes, later nights, and not as healthy food! Haha.

  2. you guys will have to take Sharon and I to that Toast on Market. It sounds like a great place!!
    I also am pretty excited about football. Just hope that the Bengals can do as good as last year. Of course, the best is college and I am looking forward to UK winning some games.

  3. Dan looks sharp in pink. High five!
